Search engine optimization (SEO) is significantly essential for active bloggers. Every beginner should learn to optimize their page because, through optimization, one can increase the chances of their webpage showing up on SERP (Search Engine Result Page). But how does the blog content help the company rank higher organically on search engines like Google?
In this article, we will spill the beans on tips to help the web pages rank higher. Gear up for an interesting and in-depth study on Search Engine Optimization. We will delve into the factors that affect page ranking and suggestions to optimize the blog sites for search engines. However, before understanding Search engine optimization, we shall first learn how the keywords work and how keyword marketing helps pages rank higher.
Tips from Best SEO Company in India to Increase Traffic on Blog Posts:
1. Identify keyword opportunities
Top SEO consultancy always suggests identifying keyword opportunities. Before finding keywords to target anything, one should determine what keywords have the potential to fetch a relevant target audience. The keywords you choose for your blogs will depend on the goals you’ve set for your blog. Any best SEO Company in India would recommend Google Trends or Google Suggest to discover keyword phrases for one’s blog.
2. Pick a specific topic
According to many top SEO consultancy agencies, one should always pick a topic that isn’t broad. For example- Keyword is a broad topic. But ‘How to use keywords to help your page rank higher?’ is a specific topic. The latter version is more specific and relevant than the former.
3. Where and how to use the keyword for optimization?
Make sure to add the keyword in the title tag. It is like a beacon for search engines. Ensure to put the keyword in Meta tags, like the Meta description, file name, and alt text of the pictures uploaded. Any SEO consultancy will always recommend you to add meta tags with appropriate keywords to rank higher on search engine result pages. It is an important step that a lot of people miss out on!
Also, check to see internal linking. It helps in linking one webpage to another and drives the traffic to related pages.
These were a few ways to help you write content that would rank higher on SEO. Now, let’s check some ways usually recommended by a SEO consultancy to help rank your content higher on SERP:
1. Check Page Speed
Dispensable codes and played-out plugins can usually contribute to a lagging blog site. Secure the page by removing all the junk codes, thus improving page speed.
2. Optimize for Mobile Responsiveness
In the present era, billions of traffic come through mobile blogs. So, check that you have your blog site optimized for mobile. Since it is one of the factors that will affect the SEO metrics.
3. Try to Add Visuals
Visuals are one of the deciding factors for Search engines. Check to see if you’ve added alt text with keywords for images.
Try to add as many steps as possible from all these SEO steps into the blog content you write next. But, make sure to keep going back to your blogs and updating them with the latest keywords or internally linking to transfer some traffic to your newer blogs.
Handling SEO of a page can be overwhelming for a beginner. But worry not; we at TLBDC have a bunch of industry experts at your behest to do what they best do!
SEO can be a bit tricky in the start. Hence, you need a cheat sheet to help you trick the search engines and rank higher!
Get in touch with us to know more today!